First Name
Last Name
Email Address
May we contact you by email?
May we leave a message for you at this phone number?
What type of counseling service are you requesting?
Please indicate which type of counseling you are requesting.
Couples Counseling
Individual Counseling
Family Counseling for Adults
Adolescent / Teen Counseling
Counseling for Parents
Partner's Name (optional - for couples counseling)
Partner's Email (optional - for couples counseling)
Partner's Phone Number (optional - for couples counseling)
Fee Requested
Please check the box below showing the fee that you are requesting. A limited number of sliding scale fee appointments are available with associate clinicians upon request.
$130 per session (Associate Clinician Fee)
$175 per session (Senior Clinician Fee)
I would like my sessions to be:
In Person
Both/No preference
I need the following appointment schedule:
Check all that apply.
Evening Appointment
Weekday Appointment
Weekend Appointment on Saturday
Weekend Appointment on Sunday
I want to address the following issues in counseling:
Check all that apply.
Communication Concerns / Conflict in Relationship
Divorce / End of Relationship
Infidelity in Relationship
Sexual Health / Sexual Functioning / Sexual Compulsivity
LGBTQ+ Relationship Concerns
Young Adults / Young Couples in 20s and 30s
Adults / Couples 50+
Premarital Counseling
Prepare / Enrich Premarital Assessment
Dating Coaching
Stepparenting and Blended Families
Multi-cultural / Intercultural Issues
Court Mandated / Legal Issue
Grief & Loss
Managing Overwhelming Emotions
Difficult Childhood
Self-Esteem and Personal Empowerment
Finding Work-Life Balance
Career or Work Concerns
Family Relationship(s) / Family of Origin Issues
Adolescent / Teen Counseling
Parenting Teens with Behavioral Troubles
Is there other information you would like to provide?
Please provide a brief comment in the space below.
If you would like to select a specific counselor after reviewing our counselor profiles, please indicate the counselor you request below.
When considering your scheduling needs, please note scheduling availability and fee range for each of our therapists below.
Jessica Nesis, MEd, LPC Associate - Counseling for Couples, Individuals, and Families - Fee: $130 per session
Daniel Hope, MA, LMFT Associate - Counseling for Couples, Individuals, and Families - Fee: $130 per session
Mark Killian, MA, LPC, NCC - Counseling for Couples, Individuals, and Families - Fee: $175 per session
Jack Partain, MEd, LPC - Counseling for Couples and Individuals - Fee: $175 per session
Charla Lineman, MEd, LPC, LMFT Associate - Counseling for Couples, Individuals, and Families - Fee: $175 per session
Kassie Soni, MA, LPC - Counseling for Couples, Individuals, and Families - Fee: $175 per session
Sylvia Beligotti, MA, LMFT - Counseling for Couples, Individuals, and Families - Fee: $175 per session
Jim Duncan, MA, LPC - Counseling for Couples and Adults - Fee: $175 per session
No Preference
Notice regarding email communication.
This form will be submitted to the Relationship Counseling Center of Austin (RCC Austin) via email message. Email is a convenient form of communication, but confidentiality of the information submitted cannot be guaranteed due to email providers storing information on their servers. It is possible that your form submission could be viewed by a third party. By submitting this form, you are acknowledging the risk, however unlikely, that may be involved in submitting this form.
I have read the statement above regarding submission of this form and acknowledge and agree to its contents.