Trauma recovery is a challenging life endeavor. These distressing events leave lasting impacts on people, causing long-term issues like anxiety, depression, nightmares, flashbacks, and more.
These uncontrollable trauma factors sneak into everyday lives and relationships. As a result, it can affect your relationships and even your attachment style.
Is sleep anxiety driving you to the edge of exhaustion?
Sleep should be a natural thing. It should be the one way to safely escape the cares and worries of the day. But what if sleep is the thing that causes you the most distress?
After a couple spends a certain amount of time together, they become very close to one another. While that initial excitement and passion of being with someone new may wear off over time, you still feel a romantic attachment to your partner.
No doubt, your babies and young children are a joy to you. Still, the challenges of parenting can test the connection between the closest couples. What you may not know is that relationship experts have discovered that relationship-focused couples (as opposed to child-focused couples) experience the most gratifying unions. Moreover, the children of these strong partnerships feel secure, less affected by parental conflict, and more resilient due to their parent’s influence.
Whether you’ve been together for a year or for decades, at some point you may find yourself wondering if you need to seek couples counseling. Even though the term may sometimes carry a negative connotation, it doesn’t have to mean that your relationship is doomed to fail. In fact, many couples report that counseling has made their relationships much stronger.
There is no shortage of posts and articles about relationships. Many of them talk about “fixing” and “repairing” and “saving.” This is a good thing...but it’s not the only thing.
We live in a society that features a divorce rate that’s hovered around 50 percent for decades. And that’s only for first marriages. Simply put, most relationships end. Some of them could’ve been fixed, repaired, or saved. Other unions eventually run their course.
No one enters a marriage anticipating its demise. Unfortunately, many marriages do fall apart over time, ultimately ending in divorce.
How can two committed people fall out of love? What changes over the years to make a marriage fail? While every couple is unique, there are common reasons why marriages fall apart.
Your body always tells a story. Outwardly, the longer you live, the more scrapes and bruises reveal what you’ve been through. The same applies to your mental state. Your mind and emotional trauma are inextricably tied. When a traumatic event occurs, wounds happen that may or may not heal well.
In our society, sex is everywhere, yet it remains a somewhat taboo topic. We’re used to seeing sex on TV, in movies, or in advertisements, yet we can blush at the thought of discussing it with a close friend or partner. If you’re more reserved when it comes to sexuality, you might be labeled as a “prude” and told to loosen up; but if you’re open about sexuality, you’re criticized and told to be more modest.
When you are dating someone, everything seems happy at first. You are just discovering your feelings of love for each other with a series of romantic dates. While dating in the early days is typically light and fun, a long-term relationship is a different ballgame. It requires living with someone you are entirely committed to. Sometimes, you discover new things about your partner that you did not know when you first started dating.
A common area of conflict for many couples centers around parenting styles. It can be a complicated situation to navigate and communicate about. Finding common ground with your partner is important for your relationship and for your children. Parenting is hard enough even when you have similar beliefs and backgrounds. It can be even harder when your values, beliefs, and backgrounds differ.
So, what do you do?
When you enter into a relationship with someone new, the first thing people tend to look for is chemistry. Emotional chemistry is a natural flow between two people that never feels forced. Normally, for a short-term relationship, the physical pull is important from the start. As for wanting a long-term relationship, it takes more than physicality to make it last.
Do you feel like your in-laws play too big a role in your marriage? Does it feel like they are putting their nose in where it does not belong? Marriage should be between two people without feeling like your in-laws are interfering in your communication, connection, or plans for the future.
One of the worst things has happened in your marriage: your partner cheated on you.
It is common for many people to want to leave their partners after discovering an affair. On the other hand, you are not wrong if you decide to give your partner another chance. According to Divorce Magazine, 60-75% of couples actually stay together after an affair. So, once you acknowledge the tragedy of infidelity and if your partner owns up to their choices and mistakes, there is still a chance you could have a strong and fulfilling marriage.
It is never easy to see your partner struggling with stress or anxiety. After all, stress can be contagious. Your partner’s worries end up becoming your worries. However, avoiding or ignoring your partner’s worries won’t make them go away or magically enhance your relationship.
Being newlywed can be the most exciting time in your life. Yet, for many, the financial struggles can start to be overwhelming. Are you dealing with the aftermath of spending a lot of money on a wedding? Or is the responsibility of creating your home together a persistent drain on your wallet?
Find out why Sylvia Beligotti is recommending “The Dance of Anger by Harriet Lerner to her clients.
When you love someone, helping them through difficult times is inevitable. Life isn’t always easy and being someone’s partner means being there for them when they need you the most.
If your partner has recently lost a family member or someone they care about, that includes being there for them throughout the grieving process.
You will probably be the first person your partner looks to for support. While that might feel overwhelming at first, it’s important to expect it and be as prepared as possible.
Before you and your partner were parents, you were a couple. Everything was all about satisfying the two of you. Now, baby makes three.
It didn’t take long to discover how much adding parenting to the mix changes the dynamic of your relationship. Even though your little one is a bundle of joy, your baby can also present a lot of challenges. You may be dealing with increasing stress related to everything from your baby’s cries, diaper changing and feeding, to financial issues, reduced intimacy, and sheer exhaustion.
The holidays can take a toll on our mental well-being. While we strive to enjoy and show gratitude around the holidays, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the stress of it all. And, because the holidays are often about giving, it’s easy to spread yourself too thin.
If you have experienced a traumatic event or ongoing adversity, you may suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. While PTSD is a mental health condition, your physical health can also be affected.
Your mental and physical health are closely connected, and it’s important to pay attention to how your body feels after going through a traumatic experience.
Starting a new job can be nerve-racking.
Maybe you’re a recent graduate, and you’ve just landed a job in your field. Perhaps you’ve been in the workforce for years, but you’ve just transitioned to a very different industry or you are out of your ‘wheelhouse’, and you feel much like you are starting over again.
Think about the way you respond to conflict and problems in your relationship with your spouse or partner.
What’s going on when things get tense or conflicts arise?
That flooded feeling that sucks you down into your feelings, overwhelms your thoughts and carries you away from reason and logic isn’t unusual. It takes skill to work through what’s happening in your body and mind before you behave in a way that may be damaging to your relationship.
One skill you can learn will make a big difference: self-soothing.
We have all heard about post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which is a type of response to trauma. Many people associate PTSD with those who served in the military and were in combat settings. However, any person, regardless of age, gender, or background, can experience trauma and the symptoms associated with it.
To better explain trauma, let’s go over the definition, types, and symptoms associated with the disorder.
When we think of relationships, we tend to picture a couple who gets along well, listens to each other, and has a mutual feeling of respect. While these elements often exist in relationships, this mindset tends to idealize and gloss over issues or tensions that many couples have, too.
Admitting you need help to get through a difficult time can be a major decision. If the decision is made as a couple, the decision can have additional implications as you and your partner decide to see a therapist. Even as this first step may come with some anxiety, seeking therapy is an intentional decision to initiate change and hope in your relationship. Such courage and maturity should be supported by a compassionate and experienced professional.
By Daniel Hope, MA
Trouble getting along with a family member or loved one can make gatherings of any kind difficult for you and those around you.
Even with close family relationships, it’s not uncommon to have a tough time communicating. Remember, just because you’re family doesn’t mean you’ll always have the same ideas, opinions, or beliefs.