Stress Management: The Role of Family and Friends

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When life gets stressful, your first inclination may be to turn to family and friends for support and encouragement. When the tables are turned, you are usually available to support them as well.

Even so, pinning all your stress and worries on your friends and family may become exhausting over time, for them and for you.

Regardless of your situation, there is a definite role for family and friends in stress management, and it’s important to recognize where they fit in.

Recognizing Your Stress

Everyone experiences stressful moments. It’s a normal part of life. We all experience small stressors every single day. It’s crucial to be self-aware enough to recognize when your stress is becoming overbearing.

Symptoms of excessive stress include:

  • Difficulty sleeping and insomnia

  • Extreme irritability and loss of patience

  • Lashing out quickly at loved ones or coworkers

  • Feeling constantly and unrelentingly overwhelmed

  • Unexplained aches and pains

These are just a handful of symptoms, but they are very telling. If you feel like you may be suffering from excessive stress, seeking help sooner rather than later. The longer you let your stress manifest, the more compounded the stress feels.

Allowing for Emotional Support

It is possible to overcome your stress on your own. Friends and family can be a great source of support for you as you work to ease your stress and anxiety. 

During particularly difficult times you may rely heavily on your support system. Being mindful of how much your family and friends are present for you is important and expressing your gratitude to them will help you. Allow yourself to express your emotions to those you trust. Allow them to help you with your stress management.

Remember that while your family and friends are available to you as you work through your stress, there is only so much they can do. No one expects you to be perfect, but you do still have to be fair to those who love and support you. There may be a time when you need something more to help with your stress management.

Knowing When You May Need More Help

While some of our stresses can be handled with the help a trusted support network of family and friends, there is wisdom in recognizing when you should seek the assistance of a counseling professional.

A delicate balance exists between relying on your loved ones a reasonable amount and relying on them too heavily. If your stress is affecting your relationships, it may be time to see a therapist.

Stress and emotional concerns in our lives may sometimes feeling too much to handle on our own. There is no shame in going through vulnerable periods in your life.

Likewise, there is no shame in seeking out a therapist and getting your stress under control. Professional help will not only benefit you but your loved ones as well. Your family and friends will know that you are in capable professional hands and they can support you on your journey.

Overcoming Your Chronic Stress

Everyday stressors often motivate us to be the best we can be. However, when your stress is getting out of hand, recognizing it and acknowledging it and seeking to understand the root cause of it is crucial. 

You are the only one who can genuinely navigate your stress management, but there are plenty of resources for help. Friends and family are a vast and valuable resource, and they undoubtedly have a place in helping you navigate your stress.

Be wary of when your stress might be affecting the relationships you value most. Self-awareness is vital. Never shy away from seeking out professional help as you deem necessary.

If you are experiencing life stressors and need additional support, contact the Relationship Counseling Center of Austin. To schedule an appointment, give our office a call at (512) 270-4883, or request an appointment online at the RCC Austin Scheduling page. We can help.