Friends and Happiness - Why More Isn't Necessarily Better

By Janie McMahan, LMFT

Long before friend became a popular social media verb, it was the noun that described our most significant non-family relationships.

Friends and happiness are a long-cherished combination. We’ve made incalculable movies and TV shows about friendships. And, who knows how many friend-related songs and books exist?

But, having friends is more than just a part of our cultural life. It’s also good for your health!

Practice the Power of Pause in Your Relationship: 7 Ways

By Elizabeth McMahan

Have you ever consider how much power a moment of pause can hold?

When you pause, you actually open up space in your mind that gives you the opportunity to think a matter over and choose something new. It creates the possibility to assimilate a situation, make conscious decisions, and take control of your life. It leads you to talk less and listen more. And as a result, your relationship can become deeper, closer, and more meaningful.

That is the power of pause.

Stop Being Hard on Yourself: Put Your SELF Back Into "Self-Compassion"

By Elizabeth McMahan

“You don’t make enough money! You’ll never get that promotion! You don’t spend enough time with your kids! You always snap at them! You’re eating way too much! You’ll never lose that weight! You need to have some control! You’re no good! You don’t deserve compassion!”

Have you ever been told things like that?

Could it be the one talking to you so harshly you isn’t someone else, but you, yourself?

9 Mindfulness Exercises and Practices to Help You Manage Your Anxiety

By Elizabeth McMahan

To manage anxiety, it’s important to activate the body’s natural relaxation response. Deep relaxation is a powerful way to help bring your whole nervous system into balance.

But relaxation doesn’t mean you slouch on a couch and zone out watching TV. True relaxation requires a conscious effort to refresh your body and mind. It calls for focus and regular practice.