When love fades, the romantic relationship high you once rode, declines steeply. As your break up progresses, the emotional impact is obvious. Yet, the effect of a break up on your brain may not be something you’ve given a whole lot of thought.
Starting a Career with Less Experience: Tips to Manage Anxiety and Create Confidence
Starting a new job can be nerve-racking.
Maybe you’re a recent graduate, and you’ve just landed a job in your field. Perhaps you’ve been in the workforce for years, but you’ve just transitioned to a very different industry or you are out of your ‘wheelhouse’, and you feel much like you are starting over again.
How to Choose the Therapist for You
Admitting you need help to get through a difficult time can be a major decision. If the decision is made as a couple, the decision can have additional implications as you and your partner decide to see a therapist. Even as this first step may come with some anxiety, seeking therapy is an intentional decision to initiate change and hope in your relationship. Such courage and maturity should be supported by a compassionate and experienced professional.
Now More Than Ever… Move Your Body to Protect Your Mental Health
Many things may affect our mental health: stress, work, family or relationship issues, and a myriad of life transitions. Sometimes, however, mental health issues like depression or anxiety can manifest for seemingly no reason at all.
Hate the Idea of Holidays Online? 7 Tips for Creating Fun Virtual Celebrations
Many of us have seen a shift in our daily lives since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Suddenly, most of our interactions have been happening solely online.
Several months later, we’re still in a similar position. With the holidays quickly approaching, you may be planning for a completely virtual season.
Holidays in a Pandemic: Ideas for Clear Boundaries and Healthy Connection
Difficult Break-Up? 6 Healthy Ways to Recover
Work/Life Balance While Working From Home? Yes! Here’s How
How to Fuel Personal Growth Through Positive Self-Talk
It may sound simplistic but practicing the habit of positive self-talk is a proven way to fuel personal growth.
On the flip side, giving ourselves negative messages is an excellent way to hamper growth. With time, we begin to believe what we tell ourselves about ourselves. The internal messages we give ourselves color the way we perceive our lives.