How to Communicate Your Boundaries While Talking Politics

You know how it goes.

Something major happens in government, media, or on the global stage. Then, the next day (after a night of cable news and scrolling through Facebook headlines), you may find yourself with coworkers, or out for a drink with friends, or having dinner with your partner or another family member, when the political topic comes up and the conversation starts to get heated.

Mantras for Meditation: 8 Statements to Boost Your Self-Esteem

Everyone has their own mantras for meditation. Words and phrases you tell yourself routinely. Some serve you well…others, not so much.

What about you? How well do speak of and to yourself?

Are you a friend to the rumpled person in the bathroom mirror? Do you soothe your inner employee after a misstep at work? Are you kind and supportive to your inner self when a friend or loved one lets you down or walks away?

Understanding the Importance of your Family of Origin

By Sylvia Beligotti, MA

Your beginnings matter.

The who and how of your initial life experiences made lasting impressions that ripple through your life today. For better or worse, your family of origin is the place to start for key information about who you are and how you relate to others.

For all of us, the family dynamics in our original family system impact our values, core beliefs, and our self-perceptions.

Reducing Family Arguments, Conflict, and Debate: 5 Tips to Keep Friction to a Minimum

By Sylvia Beligotti, MA

A family is a complicated thing. Gathered around a holiday meal or celebrating a mutual milestone, your family may experience a host of highs and lows as you navigate a myriad of emotions and perspectives about each other’s respective lives.

Family members are usually the people who love us, support us, and encourage us. However, they can also be the people with whom we fight the most.

How to Make Your Date Nights More Mindful

By Jim Duncan, MA

No matter how long you and your partner have been together, the benefits of a regular and refreshing date night can do your relationships a lot of good. Especially if you can come together mindfully and mentally ready to focus on nourishing your relationship.

Mindfulness can be one of the loveliest gifts partner’s give each other. The practice of being present can help you get the most out of your date nights. Finding ways to remain aware and in tune with each other will fuel a deeper sense of connection, confidence in your bond, and anticipation regarding upcoming dates.

Burned Out? Stressed Out? On the Edge of a Blowout? How to Stay Calm at Work

Whether you love your job or wish you clocked in elsewhere, burnout happens. “Content” and “calm” are not words that most of us would readily identify with when we are on the clock.

Between busy schedules and demanding projects, it’s easy to feel weighed down by the stresses of the workplace. Unfortunately, many of us don’t handle the pressure well.

Enjoy Every Moment of Life! 3 Keys to Finding Your Path to Personal Growth

There are so many articles around about personal growth and living for the moment. Life would be so much easier if we could just follow their advice and—presto!—suddenly be on the right path. Unfortunately, reality just doesn’t work that way.

So how do you find clarity?

Consider all of the things you do in your life. Are they geared towards your enjoyment, fulfillment, or personal growth?

How to Know It's Time to Break Up - 5 Unmistakable Signs

Are you wondering if it’s time to break up with your partner?

It’s never easy to talk about ending your relationship. Maybe you’ve felt distant for a long time, or you’re struggling about whether leaving is the right thing to do.

Though every relationship is different, the patterns are often the same. If you’re struggling to find satisfaction in your relationship, these signs may be indicating that it’s time to break up.