Gabi Halloum

A Good Connection: What Does it Feel Like With a New or Potential Partner?

By Gabi Halloum, MA

When you enter into a relationship with someone new, the first thing people tend to look for is chemistry. Emotional chemistry is a natural flow between two people that never feels forced. Normally, for a short-term relationship, the physical pull is important from the start. As for wanting a long-term relationship, it takes more than physicality to make it last.

Trying Online Dating? What You Need to Know First

By Gabi Halloum, MA

Are you trying online dating for the first time? Chances are you’re curious about what to expect.

Maybe you’ve run out of dating options in your local social circles. Or maybe your friends have tried to set you up with too many of their weird roommates or odd cousins, and now you’re ready to expand your dating options.

How Healthy Boundaries Provide Just the Right Amount of Distance to Connect You

By Gabi Halloum, MA

Navigating close relationships can be tricky.

Especially close relationships with family members. Often, you come together for winter holidays, graduations, baby showers or other milestones. And all you want is to gather for some low-conflict, person-to-person bonding. One big happy family. But before long, you may find that your family experiences what many others do.