Why Spiritual Connection Through Nature is Key & How to Find It

With work, kids, school, social obligations, and other responsibilities to balance, sometimes life can become overwhelming. Technology also exacerbates the issue. The modern world we live in is driven by cell phones, computers, and other forms of technology and can make it hard to connect with nature if we are not intentional about doing so.

Mastering Social Media: Benefits, Downsides, & How to Find Balance

Over the past few years, social media has revolutionized the way we communicate. In the past, we had limited means of staying in touch: phone calls, letters, in-person communication, emails, and text messages. Now, with the number of social media platforms available, we’re able to communicate with people around the world.

Is Your Addiction a Result of Unresolved Trauma? 5 Ways to Tell

Painful or unpleasant memories are a normal part of life.

It’s also normal to want to mask those memories in any way possible. You may turn to drugs, alcohol, food, or something else — but ultimately, the pain of your trauma may remain. Many people use addiction to shield their emotions; however, many don’t consider that their addiction may be fueling their emotions.

Overwhelmed or Scared by the News? How to Cope & De-Stress

Have you reached your threshold for stress in 2020? If so, you are not alone. This is a time of previously unseen turmoil. Each one of us is navigating uncharted territory. To call this scenario frightening would be a vast understatement. The mere act of monitoring news headlines is enough to trigger anxiety.

If any or all of this sounds familiar, take heart. It is normal and okay to feel afraid under such dire circumstances. Through a combination of self-care steps and guidance from a therapist, you can rediscover your balance in the age of COVID-19.